그런거 아님

(This is not a dog politely riding the train to work.)

1. 개가 옷입은거 아님

(This is not a tiny man riding on a woman

2. 애가 탄거 아님

(This is not a woman grabbing at her own crotch.)

3. 중요부위 만지는거 아님

(This is not a woman with a foot for a hand.)

4. 손발아님

(This man does not have an erection, and his penis (probably) doesn

5. 곧휴도 아니고 곧휴팔도 아님

(This girl doesn

6. 털수북한 여자팔 아님

(The bridesmaids are not all little people.)

7. 신부들러리들 난장이 아님

(This boy

8. 꼬마손이 어른손 아님

(This is not a young woman carrying a young man.)

9. 남자를 들고가는 여자가 아님

(This is not a tiny baby with fully grown legs.)

10. 애기 발아님

(The hockey player in blue did not punch the head off the hockey player in red.)

11. 머리 뽑은거 아님


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