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방역당국의 노가다가 그대로 녹아있는 데이터네요.

어렵지 않은 영어라 술술 읽힙니다.

The use of cell phone location data, credit card records, and lists of nightclub visitors led to the identification of 5,517 persons for screening; of those, 1,257 were actively monitored. An additional 57,536 persons who had spent >30 minutes in the vicinity of the nightclubs, as determined by their cell phone location data, were sent a series of text messages encouraging them to undergo testing

클럽간 사람과 근처에 30분이상 있던 사람들을 휴대폰 정보시스템으로 찾아서 테스트하라고 문자발송함.

Of the 41,612 total tests conducted by May 25, a total of 35,827 (86.1%) were conducted on Itaewon nightclub visitors, 5,785 (13.9%) on contacts of case-patients linked to the Itaewon nightclubs, and 1,627 (3.9%) tests conducted on anonymous persons. The prevalence of positive results for COVID-19 in nightclub visitors was 0.19% (67/35,827); in their contacts, 0.88% (51/5,785); and in anonymously tested persons, 0.06% (1/1,627).

성소수자를 배려해서 익명조사도 했고 아무튼 이태원클럽관련 확진자는 이만큼임

The estimated attack rate among nightclub visitors was 1.74% (96/5,517). Of the total number of confirmed cases, 118 positive case-patients (47.9%) live in Seoul; among those, 67 (56.8%) were primary cases, 32 (27.1%) secondary cases, 7 (5.9%) tertiary cases, 4 (3.4%) quaternary cases, 4 (3.4%) fifth-order cases, and 4 (3.4%) sixth-order cases. Infections related to the nightclub outbreak continued to spread further in the community

6차감염까지 다 밝혔음.

In summary, we identified 246 COVID-19 cases associated with the reopening of nightclubs in Seoul. To conduct contact tracing for this outbreak, we used multiple forms of advanced information technology, including location data from mobile devices, credit card payment history, geographic positioning service data, drug utilization review, public transportation transit pass records, and closed-circuit television footage ( 3 ). Despite the low incidence of COVID-19 in the postpeak period of the pandemic, superspreading related to visiting nightclubs in Seoul has the potential to spark a resurgence of cases in South Korea.


지금까지 246명 찾음

우리는 모바일 위치추적 카드사용내역 약처방 공공교통시설 CCTV 등 최첨단 시스템을 이용함

막줄이 핵심 

워낙 팬더믹 상황에 비하면 적은 숫자이긴한데 재확산될 우려가 깊다. (하루 246명이라해도 외국은 파티할거 같은데..한국은 20일동안 246명 찾는데 확산을 우려하고 있는 상황)

5월까지 데이터고 지금은 이때보다는 조금더 확산세가 커지고 있긴 합니다. 코로나가 잡히지 않아 많이 걱정되지만 외국에 비하면 그래도 행복하다고 생각합니다. 

질본 화이팅

서울 코로나 신속대응팀 감사합니다.


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