Arostegui syndrome (사자 얼굴 증후군)

이 증상에 대한 자료를 구하려고해봐도 한국웹에는 보이지가 않네요 ㅡ ㅡ;;

Weird Diseases- Arostegui Syndrome (Lion Face Syndrome) Leontiasis Ossea, also known as Arostegui''s syndrome or leontiasis or lion face, is a rare medical condition, characterized by an overgrowth of the facial and cranial bones.

The common form gradually develops,

going on later to a complete loss of

sight due to compression of the optic

nerve by the overgrowth of bone.

There may also be interference with

the nasal respiration and with the

taking of food. In the somewhat less

common form of this rare disease the

overgrowth of bone affects all the

cranial bones as well as those of the

face, the senses being lost one by one

and death finally resulting from

cerebral pressure. There is no

treatment other than exposing the

overgrown bone, and chipping away

pieces, or excising entirely where



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